Making Home Safe For Kids in Quezon City

The safety of your kids is topmost priority. The best place to start with is your own home in Quezon City. A major portion of kids’ time is normally spend at home which makes it important not only keep the space beautiful and full of fun but also keep it safe for kids and toddlers in the house. Here are some of the tips how you can keep home safe for your kids.

1. Family friendly home plans

One should start considering the safety of kids’ right from the time of buying the property in Quezon City. See to it that the laid out floor plans are safety proof. You can make sure that the kids’ room is close to your room so that you can easily hear them in case of need.

2. Installation of safety gates at the stairs

Stairs are the most probable mishap space in the house. Therefore, installing safety gates at the top and bottom of stairs to keep the kids from falling is a must.

3. Furniture should be kept close to the wall

Toddlers have the habit of climbing over, pulling and shoving down everything they see. Things like book shelves, TV racks and dressing tables can be very dangerous. It is therefore advisable to shift everything close to the wall.

4. No bare electronic sockets

Prevent your kids from being electrocuted by installing coverable electronic sockets. Keep your kids away from the sockets and plugs and make sure they don’t play with it.

5. Keep the garden gate closed

Remember to keep the front door and garden gate close all the time. It is a common happening when kids slip away from the house while playing and running after ball. They can’t be under surveillance 24*7; therefore keeping the doors and gates closed is the least you could do.

6. First aid kit is a must have

Accidents are common at home. Therefore, there should always be a first aid kit ready at your home so that the injuries can immediately be attended.

Along with taking these safety precautions, it is important to remind your kids what they are allowed to do and what not. They should know the repercussions of their activities.

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